Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Beginning of the Year- teaching thinking routines

Wow! Group B hard to believe that we started our journey a month ago - helping kids develop a deeper understanding. I have been in school with my new second graders for almost a month. It is always an exhausting time of year since we are setting the stage for the year. I have 25 kids this year who range from nonreaders (some letters) to 5 grade reading level, so teaching is a juggling act.

I started the year with the yarn connection game and we learned that we are very connected in our learning. Then we began learning different ways to explain our thinking with thinking maps. I took the creativity lesson that Fred did in his mini- course to create something that represents you out of these items in 10 minutes. I was amazed how the same objects created such different results- bunny, dinosaur, bracelet, and computer screen were a few of the objects that stood out.

Planning in the next two weeks to introduce slow looking to the group along with chalk talk. Pictures coming after I double check all of the forms.
